Hakkei Island Stories

Milky Holmes decide to go explore the Hakkei Prison Island to find a way to save the academy, but they are captured and imprisoned on arrival. Meanwhile, Henriette and the Gentlemen Thieves have also infiltrated the island in search of a legendary treasure. After hearing about the treasure from an old man, Henriette, along with Milky Holmes, stage a breakout, but end up falling into traps by the prison guard. However, they manage to find their way out and soon find the treasure is a single flower which, when removed, reduces the prison into a pile of sea cucumbers, only to later realise they had set a bunch of criminals into the city.

Release Date: 2010-10-07
Seasons: 1 2 3 4
TMDb: 9.0/10
  • Country: JP
  • Language: 日本語
  • Runtime: 25

Other episodes for this season

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Milky Holmes' Sleeping Position
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Sneaky Arrangements
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The Weirdo On The Enoden Express
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And So Hope Was Lost
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Lovely, Isn't It?
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Got Vacation? Then Take It 2
Episode 9 - Got Vacation? Then Take I...
Y.H. Getting Confused?
Episode 10 - Y.H. Getting Confused?
God Of Lard
Episode 11 - God Of Lard
The Return Of Henriette
Episode 12 - The Return Of Henriette